The Ontario Guild of Town Criers

The Ontario Guild of Town Criers
What is a Town Crier?
A Town Crier makes proclamations and announcements for his or her town or community.
Criers attend functions or celebrations and ring their bell to get everyone's attention before reading a special announcement or proclamation from a scroll. Criers normally cry loudly and clearly so that all can hear.
They use the traditional opening word "OYEZ! [oh yeah!] which is a very old french term meaning "To Hearken" or "Hear YE!"
Once having read the "Cry" or message in a suitable fashion to all assembled, the Crier traditionally finishes with the words "God Save The Queen" or "God Bless Canada!" whilst raising their hat.
International Town Criers Day
International Town Criers Day, as recognized by the Chase's Book of Days, was commenced in 1997, to be celebrated annually on the second Monday of July.
Continuance of this designated day shall be reviewed annually by the OGTC Board.
To read more on International Town Criers Day, founded by Scott Fraser, click on this link.
Hear ye! Hear ye! The Town of Petrolia is 150 years old - and it celebrated with a town crier competition.
Listen to this Podcast from the CBC. It's an eleven minute interview with this year's provincial champion.
You can also click the photo of the Microphone to hear this PodCast.
The Ontario Guild of Town Criers
How can we promote your event?
The Ontario Guild of Town Criers is proud to have 35 members who can add colour, ceremony and splendor to any function you may be planning!
The arrival of a Town Crier attired in historical uniform and ringing a hand bell to herald your announcement is always greeted with pleasure from the awaiting audience.
Town criers will make your announcement loud and clear! All Ontario Guild of Town Criers members write their own material. Town Criers tailor each "Cry" to suit your needs and requirements. Our members have performed these duties for many years, and are at easy in all venues, large or small, formal or informal.
All Town Criers are regulated by the Guild's "Code of Ethics" and conduct themselves in an honorable and appropriate manner that always compliments the occasion, making each event special.

Contact the Guild
Write to us using the form below.
The Ontario Guild of Town Criers
Mission Statement
We The Guild, promise to uphold the honourable values of Town Crying, loudly crying news, announcements and proclamations to the citizens of our communities and our great nation Canada.
We pledge to assist any individuals who wish to become a Town Crier and communities that are interested in establishing a Town Crier either through official appointment or contest.
God Save The Queen!

If you wish to learn more about the ancient and honourable craft of crying, here's a video of forty year crier, Allan Freeman

Need to hire a Town Crier?
Fees average from $100 each cry to $500 depending on the place and occasion.
Would a Crier be an asset to your community?
A crier must be appointed by your Town Council, so your municipal representatives need to be involved.
A good place to start is to think about situations where pomp and pageantry would benefit announcements. A crier brings colour and exuberance, along with a clear, loud voice to any occasion. A crier can also act as a master of ceremonies.
If your municipality is interested in exploring whether a crier is right for you, please contact the Guild. We can walk you through the process and make suggestions. Remember, criers can represent your community for decades, so it is important to choose wisely.
Attributes to consider:
- A loud, clear voice
- An excellent command of the English Language
- Flexibility of schedule (workday announcements can and do happen)
- Someone who would represent your community as an ambassador
- Criers can compete in Provincial and International competitions
- Someone who can educate: school children, the public and the press on what a crier is
- Our Guild can help with resource material
Your crier will network with other criers across Canada and around the globe. Diplomacy is a must.
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Ontario Guild of Town Criers